Bringing in Outside Tech Skills to Close the Gaps Without Losing Momentum

The Problem

Our client aspired to lead their industry with Rod Lift technology. They consistently updated their digital transformation to stay ahead of the competition and enhance their internal margins. While they utilized an IoT sensor to collect data from the field, this device lacked the capability to provide the data to its rightful user. There wasn't an efficient way to present the field data to a user or make decisions based on its findings. Although the device could set controls on the sites, all actions had to be performed physically at the site. For instance, turning off the pump required a physical visit to the well site in the field. The potential for automation to save labor hours was evident. They required a user-friendly interface to display clean data and provide additional functionality for users. Faced with technology gaps within their internal resources, they sought an outside perspective from experts in software development and deployment.

‍The Solution

Our client entrusted SEQTEK to conduct a discovery to properly architect a customized solution. Our approach was to build a cloud-based solution to house their data and deliver it to customers, enabling informed decision-making and saving labor hours at the pump. SEQTEK successfully designed and developed an application with a user-friendly interface by collaborating with users and leveraging our knowledge of UX best practices. RabbitMQ in the Field Gateway facilitated the management of traffic. The skill set and industry knowledge required for this task are not readily available, but with 20+ years of experience, SEQTEK brought efficient, tailor-made ideas and solutions to this problem, resulting in overwhelming success. Our prior experiences with successful and failed implementations provided us with insights, enabling us to guide our client away from challenges and hurdles encountered by other customers, leading to a quicker and more cost-effective path to a complete solution.

The Technical Details

  • Technologies used: C#, .NET, RabbitMQ, Angular, AWS, MySQL.

The Outcome

The implementation of this solution provided our client with a comprehensive product that delivered relevant data from their well sites to their customer base. This empowered customers to make confident decisions based on modern technology that visualized and presented data in a clear, concise manner. Employees could focus on day-to-day operations while SEQTEK worked alongside them, minimizing disruptions to company operations. Customers now had the capability to ask, “Is my well performing as best as it can?” With the application developed by SEQTEK, this question could be answered accurately with supporting data.

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